Welcome to the CV Builder by Job Squad

We have made 9 easy steps in order for you to make a professional CV in English in less than 20 minutes. Just follow the 9 steps by clicking NEXT, and you will be able to see, download and send a professional design of your resume.

Contact information

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In this section you need to fill in your full name (your legal name) and your contact details. This is important because your future employer will need to get in touch with you. If you want to speed up the application process it is best to share everything from the start. Make sure to provide your phone number (including country code) and your email address. They don’t need your address and your date of birth on the CV.

Maximum image size allowed is 2MB. Accepted image types are JPEG and PNG.


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In this section you need to describe your language skills. Remember to include your native language as well as other languages you have learned. Please use the ABC scale: READ MORE HERE. Your native language is C2. Any language you speak fluently (written and oral) is C1. A good level of speaking and writing is B2, and an ok level of speaking and maybe being able to read something is B1. If you know basics like hello and thank you, but you can’t have a full conversation it is A2. It is important to use this scale because it is well known and the employer does not have to guess your level.


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In this step you need to fill in your educational level. If you hold a master or bachelor degree you do not need to fill in your primary and high school education because it is self explanatory that you have these in order to go to the university. Remember to include what year you finished your education as well as the name of the educational institution AND the course you took.


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Optional! Did you participate in extracurricular activities, were you on the student board or maybe captain of the football team? Add your achievements here to give more depth to your educational background. If you don’t have anything extra, you can just leave this step blank.

work experience

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In this step you need to fill in the jobs you have had previously. Keep it to a maximum of 5, and only the relevant ones for the jobs you are applying for. Remember to provide the name of the companies you worked for, the type of job positions, and what year/month you started AND finished. Make sure to mention if you accomplished something beyond your job title while working there. E.g. if your job was as a waitress, you can add something extra if you supported the development of a new menu. You can add this under ACHIEVEMENT at the bottom of this step.


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Did you go above and beyond for your former company or help develop og initiate things that were not part of your job description? If yes, you can write it below. If not, you can leave this section blank.

voluntary work

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In this section you need to fill in any voluntary work that you have been involved in. Maybe you have helped clean beaches for the local municipality, or maybe you’re part of a student organisation, or maybe you teach gymnastics in a local sports club. Anything that can provide an extra insight to who you are is helpful for the employer.

soft skills

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In this step it is important that you choose at least 2 skills under soft skills and IT skills, and a maximum of 4 under each skill.

technical skills

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In this step it is important that you choose at least 2 skills under soft skills and IT skills, and a maximum of 4 under each skill.

Describe yourself in 5 sentences

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In this step it is important that you describe all your strengths and what makes you a fit for the position. Include things that the employer can’t read from your work experience and education. This will give a short and more fulfilling description of you as a person. Keep it to a max of 5 sentences. If you are applying for a specific job, be sure to include some words from the job description that fit you. E.g. “I am flexible and a team player”, “I enjoy multiple tasks and I like to be challenged” or “I am competitive and I always go the extra mile”.
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Showcase what you like to do outside of school and work, this will help the HR who hires for smaller teams to see if you are a real fit for their team.

Select a style for your CV

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You have two options for the style and look of your CV. Either a clean and classic solid background for a professional impression, or a fancy, double line border for a more creative touch.

Your CV preview

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We hope you like your new CV, if not you can go back and edit. And if you would like for Job Squad to give you feedback, feel free to send it to us. We would be happy to help you. Info@jobsqd.com