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Cheniva Greece

International Recruiter

Cheniva is originally from Suriname, but now living in Athens, Greece. She is passionate about helping people follow their dreams, and help companies find new talent. Cheniva's life and adventure abroad began a few years ago when she travelled to the US as a Youth Ambassador for her country. This experience made her pursue a career overseas.

Though she initially considered the US, a conversation with a friend led her to discover opportunities for Dutch speakers in Greece. She applied for a job and made the significant move from the Caribbean to Europe. Despite the initial challenges, she has grown to love her life in Greece.

Cheniva’s journey from Suriname to Greece is a testament to the rewards of stepping outside one's comfort zone and saying yes to new opportunities. Taking bold steps can lead to personal and professional growth, and she is passionate about helping others take this step.

Living abroad has pushed Cheniva out of her comfort zone, and made her independent and resourceful. She loves exploring new parts of herself and overcoming challenges along the way. In her spare time she enjoys trying out all the delicious food in Athens. She also loves going to the movies or simply relaxing at home. Discovering new places and visiting the beautiful Greek islands are among her favourite activities.

Cheniva knows that moving to a new country with differences in culture, food, navigation, language, people, and lifestyle can be overwhelming. Homesickness is a common phenomena, and her advice to anyone moving abroad is to make an effort to befriend locals and expats. They can help you navigate the new environment and it makes networking easier.