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Valeria Pesch Portugal

International Recruiter

Valeria is from Düsseldorf, Germany, but she is living in Portugal's Silver Coast. She is a very enthusiastic and supportive person who really wants to help others take the leap and follow their dreams of getting exciting adventures abroad. She enjoys sharing her own experiences and connecting with people by mutual thoughts and feelings. This helps her ensure that you will get the smoothest start possible in your new work adventure.

Valeria's love for adventure began after school when she went to Australia for work and travel. This experience made her pursue her dream of living abroad and studying. She moved to the Netherlands for her studies, during which she visited Indonesia and the Caribbean. The lifestyle and people of these places fascinates her, which has led her to continue exploring new places. When moving and travelling abroad, she enjoys seeing unique plants and animals, smelling new aromas, tasting special foods, and connecting with new people. 

When she’s off work she is passionate about animal welfare, particularly improving the lives of dogs. She also spends a lot of time in nature, whether it's under the sea, above water, or on land. Furthermore, she enjoys her yoga and meditation as well as growing her own food. 

Valeria’s advice to anyone moving abroad is to appreciate all experiences, even the challenging ones. Every experience teaches you something about yourself, and the tougher moments often become the most entertaining stories later. Her favourite quote, which perfectly describes her outlook on life, is from Pema Chödrön: "You are the sky. Everything else – it’s just the weather".